Jun 20, 2017
Dave Schools (@DaveSchoools) graduated from Grove City College in 2012 with a degree in Entrepreneurship. At just 27 years old, Dave is a world-class blogger, author, and entrepreneur.
In less than two years after college graduation, Dave founded Entrepreneur’s Handbook (EH), a Medium publication and blog with 22k+ followers, growing at 150+ new members every day. Amazingly, EH took off in less than 3 years from inception. Capitalizing off of EH’s success, Dave recently launched, Brew Projects, a community of students and mentors committed to bringing to life “side-hustles.” While building all these things, Dave is an Inc. columnist and published his first book, Runaway Millionaire.
In this episode, Dave and I dive into his story and discuss tons of actionable advice, such as:
Dave’s “tweetable” advice for college students: “Once you get to know yourself, get to know others.”
Follow Dave on Medium, his personal site, or just drop him an email at dave@businessbrewers.com.